Bad Weeds 79: Messiah Complex
Like it or not it's the time of year when god-fearing x-tians all over the USA sing out (louise!) to Handel's Messiah. Find out
more about the seasonal piece and the offerings in the SF/Oakland area (did he say Oakland??!)

G. F. Handel (class of 1738)
BWSF 79 Messiah Complex-- LISTEN NOW

San Francisco Sing-It-Yourself Messiah on Dec 2
Oakland East Bay Symphony Sing-Along Messiah (Dec 10) with Latoya London!
more about the seasonal piece and the offerings in the SF/Oakland area (did he say Oakland??!)

G. F. Handel (class of 1738)
BWSF 79 Messiah Complex-- LISTEN NOW

San Francisco Sing-It-Yourself Messiah on Dec 2
Oakland East Bay Symphony Sing-Along Messiah (Dec 10) with Latoya London!
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