Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Bad Weeds 80: Inside the Messrs. Fenity
Does being young, sexy, and love come easy? Ask Joseph and Cory Fennity. As Joseph prepares to launch his hit new podcast, Porn Stars Talk, he and his hubby take time to share their various thoughts with Corkey.
BWSF 80 Inside the Messrs. Fenity-- LISTEN NOW
BWSF 80 Inside the Messrs. Fenity-- LISTEN NOW

Monday, November 28, 2005
Bad Weeds 79: Messiah Complex
Like it or not it's the time of year when god-fearing x-tians all over the USA sing out (louise!) to Handel's Messiah. Find out
more about the seasonal piece and the offerings in the SF/Oakland area (did he say Oakland??!)

G. F. Handel (class of 1738)
BWSF 79 Messiah Complex-- LISTEN NOW

San Francisco Sing-It-Yourself Messiah on Dec 2
Oakland East Bay Symphony Sing-Along Messiah (Dec 10) with Latoya London!
more about the seasonal piece and the offerings in the SF/Oakland area (did he say Oakland??!)

G. F. Handel (class of 1738)
BWSF 79 Messiah Complex-- LISTEN NOW

San Francisco Sing-It-Yourself Messiah on Dec 2
Oakland East Bay Symphony Sing-Along Messiah (Dec 10) with Latoya London!
Friday, November 25, 2005
Bad Weeds 78: Bad Husbands Weekly 11.24.05
Duncan and Corkey wrap up Thanksgiving and wrap it in a holiday bow. All for you.
BWSF 78 Bad Husband Weekly 11.25.05-- LISTEN NOW
BWSF 78 Bad Husband Weekly 11.25.05-- LISTEN NOW

Thursday, November 24, 2005
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Bad Weeds 76: the Castro's Phantom Menace (is a penace?)
NOTE: VOLUME VARIATION! A solid teakwood statue of a naked man, er, sporting wood! This controversial item had tongues wagging in SF the past 2 weeks. Robert Hedric, shop owner, talks about his ordeal and his battle against prudery in the heart of America's gayest neighborhood.
BWSF 76 the Castro's Phantom Menace (is a penace?) -- LISTEN NOW

BAR Letters to the Editor about Phantom's Menace

Photo courtesy of BAR
BWSF 76 the Castro's Phantom Menace (is a penace?) -- LISTEN NOW

BAR Letters to the Editor about Phantom's Menace

Photo courtesy of BAR
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Bad Weeds 75.02: BAR Necessities
Check out BWSF 75.01. Lots of you folks with iTunes never got the Monday, Nov 21, 2005 podcast so I'm leaving that up for today, Tuesday, November 22. NEW CONTENT TOMORROW!
Corkey M.
Corkey M.
Monday, November 21, 2005
Bad Weeds 75.01: BAR Necessities
The podcast refused to be delivered via iTunes today, so here's the second try: Corkey, clad only in bubble-wrap, brings you the Bay Area Reporter -- all the news that's fit to squirt.
BWSF 75 BAR Necessities -- LISTEN NOW
BWSF 75 BAR Necessities -- LISTEN NOW

Friday, November 18, 2005
Bad Weeds 74: Bad Husbands Weekly 11.18.05
Duncan and Corkey are loving the summer weather in SF. What's up with Duncan's notable lack of enthusiasm for fiction, the modern musical, and George W. Bush?
BWSF 74 Bad Husband Weekly 11.18.05-- LISTEN NOW
BWSF 74 Bad Husband Weekly 11.18.05-- LISTEN NOW

Thursday, November 17, 2005
Bad Weeds 73: Shake That Flamin' Booty
Your horny host Corkey takes you back to April 20, 1906 when a nearby landmark spurted unexpectedly -- thus saving the City of San Francisco. From there it's on to Coit Tower, the SF landmark recently maligned by ignoramus Bill O'Reilly. All this started with a shakin' and a 'bakin back in 1906. Join us!
BWSF 73 Shake That Flamin' Booty-- LISTEN NOW

The Golden Fire Hydrant at Church and 20th Streets
US Geological Survey Earthquake Site
Read the story of the Golden Fire Hydrant
Explore SF's Coit Tower
BWSF 73 Shake That Flamin' Booty-- LISTEN NOW

The Golden Fire Hydrant at Church and 20th Streets
US Geological Survey Earthquake Site
Read the story of the Golden Fire Hydrant
Explore SF's Coit Tower
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Bad Weeds 72: Cory and Joseph: Nasty and Nice
Sexy devils Corkey and Joseph are joined by uber-sexy Cory Fenity (Joseph's husband) for a special premiere peek at Porn Stars Talk -- the new podcast due out Jan 4. This snippet features Michael Brandon and his 11" of personality. Don't miss it!
BWSF 72 Cory and Joseph are Nasty!-- LISTEN NOW

Cory plants one on Joseph

Joseph Fenity
Porn Stars Talk dot com

Michael Brandon
BWSF 72 Cory and Joseph are Nasty!-- LISTEN NOW

Cory plants one on Joseph

Joseph Fenity
Porn Stars Talk dot com

Michael Brandon
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Bad Weeds 71: Penis is Nice!
Whip 'em out boys, it's penis-appreciation time. Not a 'members only' event -- all are invited to Corkey's hands-on anatomy lecture.
BWSF 71:Penis is Nice!-- LISTEN NOW

Testicular Self Exam Here!!
Pornstars Talk dot Com
BWSF 71:Penis is Nice!-- LISTEN NOW

Testicular Self Exam Here!!
Pornstars Talk dot Com
Monday, November 14, 2005
Bad Weeds 70: 3 Queens - 2 Continents
Corkey and friends talk trash in this super-size helping of hot-piping content. Fellow podcasters drop in from Columbus and Cambridge drop in to consider barebacking, vomit-casts, new scent ideas for Miss Hipp's candles, and Michael Brandon's Monster Bang dildo (did Joseph Fenity REALLY stick it you know where?) Find out on Wednesday's sneak-peek of Pornstars Talk with Joseph Fenity on BWSF!
BWSF 70: 3 Queens on 2 Continents-- LISTEN NOW
BWSF 70: 3 Queens on 2 Continents-- LISTEN NOW

Friday, November 11, 2005
Bad Weeds 69: Bad Husbands Weekly 11.11.05
Duncan and Corkey with an Armistice Day reflection: When will we bring our boys home from Iraq?
BWSF 69 Bad Husband Weekly 11.11.05-- LISTEN NOW

Arlington National Cemetery dot net
BWSF 69 Bad Husband Weekly 11.11.05-- LISTEN NOW

Arlington National Cemetery dot net
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Bad Weeds 68: On My Ass in Asheville
Laid on his ass in Asheville, NC but happy nonetheless. Corkey recounts the highlights of his trip to this beautiful town in the hills of North Carolina.
BWSF 68: On my Ass in Asheville -- LISTEN NOW

The Lion and the Rose Bed and Breakfast site
BWSF 68: On my Ass in Asheville -- LISTEN NOW

The Lion and the Rose Bed and Breakfast site
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Bad Weeds 67: Kinder Kin
Meet Corkey's nieces almost live from Greenville, SC. Also, hear about the Diego Rivera Mural at City College of SF and our host's musings about travel in Mexico.
BWSF 67 -- Kinder Kin LISTEN NOW

Diego Rivera Mural Project

Machu Picchu site
BWSF 67 -- Kinder Kin LISTEN NOW

Diego Rivera Mural Project

Machu Picchu site
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
NEW! Bad Weeds 66: Come Back, Lil' Corkey!
Corkey's Back! The triumpant return of America's favorite queer-caster this side of the San Francisco Bay! He's glad to be back and so are you!
BWSF 66: NEW - Corkey's Back! -- LISTEN NOW

Project OutSmart for queer youth in Columbia, SC -- CHECK IT OUT!
BWSF 66: NEW - Corkey's Back! -- LISTEN NOW

Project OutSmart for queer youth in Columbia, SC -- CHECK IT OUT!
Monday, November 07, 2005
Bad Weeds Archives 35: Porn Star Matthew Rush Tells All!
Falcon star Matthew Rush tells Corkey lots of fun stuff like how he dreamed of being Wonder Woman as a child, spinning in his underoos. Matthew (aka Greg) talks about the ins and outs of adult film. He warns young men to "keep their heads" and talks about being the youngest child in a mixed race family. Genuinely a super-nice guy (and nice looking!)
BWSF 35: Matthew Rush Tells All!:
Ronnie Larsen dot Com
Take the ZIPPO CHALLENGE and give $100 to the charity of your choice to aid Katrina victims
Falcon star Matthew Rush tells Corkey lots of fun stuff like how he dreamed of being Wonder Woman as a child, spinning in his underoos. Matthew (aka Greg) talks about the ins and outs of adult film. He warns young men to "keep their heads" and talks about being the youngest child in a mixed race family. Genuinely a super-nice guy (and nice looking!)
BWSF 35: Matthew Rush Tells All!:
Ronnie Larsen dot Com
Take the ZIPPO CHALLENGE and give $100 to the charity of your choice to aid Katrina victims
Friday, November 04, 2005
Bad Weeds Archives # 28: Bad Husbands Weekly -- Queer Happenings
Husband Duncan and Corkey ponder the queer happenings in New Orleans. What's happened to the social contract? Why do dienfranchised and disadvantaged people always fall through the cracks? Do people in power put the cracks there on purpose? We wonder...
Give money to Katrina victims -- Click here for info on where to give.
BWSF 28 Queer Happenings LISTEN NOW
Give money to Katrina victims -- Click here for info on where to give.
BWSF 28 Queer Happenings LISTEN NOW

Thursday, November 03, 2005
Bad Weeds Arvchives #18: From Gay Mormon Boys to Injured Soldier Boys: Queer VA Hospital Shrink Speaks Out!
Rocky Gresham, a Veterans Administration Hospital psychologist, illuminates us about the boys who DO make it home alive -- only to face a horrific array of physical and psychologica trauma. Why is Bush cutting their benefits? And what about those years at Brigham Young University where a young closet queer shed his secret underwear to shine as leather daddy, father of four, and psychologist fighting homophobia and bad policy.
Part 1 of a 2 part interview.

TruthOut Coverage of Crawford, TX Vigil and anti-war activity
Iraqi Veterans Against the War
Part 1 of a 2 part interview.

TruthOut Coverage of Crawford, TX Vigil and anti-war activity
Iraqi Veterans Against the War
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Bad Weeds Archives #17: Debauchery, Disneyworld, Sex, and the Pygmy Forest
Corkey and Michael continue their search for fairies, elves, dwarves and pygmies. Attacked by bees, they brave onward, recalling the not-so-friendly Lizard People, the only-friendly-to his bodyguards Michael Jackson, and how to find a friendly massage therapist. Take a deep breath and plunge right in!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Bad Weeds in the Big South
Hi All
Nothing audio today... a brief check-in. Duncan and I are in Asheville, NC. Super-cool groovy city. We are sleeping in a canopied bed. Cool! Unfortunately we both have terrific colds which we caught from my adorable vectors... baby Joseph and toddler Clara (we saw them in Greenville, SC over the weekend.) What else... Oh yea, tomorrow we head north to Chapmanville, West Virginia, to visit Duncan's parents. Should be a beautiful drive. Hopefully we'll both feel better.
I'm posting all 3 shows for the remainder of the week NOW!!! It's archived stuff. Then next week stay tuned for NEW EPISODES OF BAD WEEDS SAN FRANCISCO.
Over and Out
p.s. Duncan says hi
Nothing audio today... a brief check-in. Duncan and I are in Asheville, NC. Super-cool groovy city. We are sleeping in a canopied bed. Cool! Unfortunately we both have terrific colds which we caught from my adorable vectors... baby Joseph and toddler Clara (we saw them in Greenville, SC over the weekend.) What else... Oh yea, tomorrow we head north to Chapmanville, West Virginia, to visit Duncan's parents. Should be a beautiful drive. Hopefully we'll both feel better.
I'm posting all 3 shows for the remainder of the week NOW!!! It's archived stuff. Then next week stay tuned for NEW EPISODES OF BAD WEEDS SAN FRANCISCO.
Over and Out
p.s. Duncan says hi
Bad Weeds Archives # 14: Kiss Me! I'm Siciliano
Steve Murray tells us more about his life as a premiere impresario in San Francisco. From turning 50 to the premiere dining spots, Steve's got the tips.
Steve's Production Co. 'Make It So Productions'

BWSF 14 - Il Impresario LISTEN NOW>
Steve's Production Co. 'Make It So Productions'

BWSF 14 - Il Impresario LISTEN NOW>